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The chairs of the conference invite proposals for workshops to be co-located with the conference. Workshops can have different lengths ranging from 2 hours to a full day.


Content and Format
We welcome workshop proposals on topics within the scope of the conference, emerging research areas and applications, multi-discipline topics, and other miscellaneous topics that are well suited to the flexibility that a workshop format provides and that are expected to be of interest to a significant proportion of conference attendees. Workshops may consist of any subset of invited talks, paper presentations, discussion panels, and other activities that the workshop organizers would like to propose. The rooms provided for the workshops will have capacities ranging from 30 to 60. Papers submitted to the workshops for peer review should consist of new unpublished work and papers accepted to the workshops will be published in the workshops section of the proceedings.


Organization and Responsibilities
Workshop organizers are largely autonomous in setting the schedule of events at their workshop. Workshop organizers are responsible for creating a website for their workshop, issuing a Call for Papers for their workshop, arranging a Program Committee of appropriate size and experience for the workshop, setting up the schedule of events for the workshop that is in accord with any conference constraints such as shared break times, and being present to moderate the workshop.


Submission Instructions
Submit a single PDF document containing the following:

  • Workshop Title;

  • Names and contact information for main organizers;

  • Brief description of workshop topic;

  • Brief motivation of why the workshop would be beneficial;

  • Desired length of the workshop;

  • Description of proposed workshop activities and balance between paper presentations, invited talks, panel discussions, etc.

  • Tentative list of Program Committee members (if the workshop will have peer-reviewed papers), indicating which members have already confirmed they would participate if the proposal is accepted;

  • Potential Invited Speakers (if the workshop intends to have invited speakers), indicating if there are any that have confirmed they would participate if the proposal is accepted;

  • Summary of any related workshops held in the past, including explicitly indicating whether this is a continuation of past workshops.


If the proposal is a continuation of past workshops, please give information about the previous workshops (websites, how many years it was held, and approximate #s of papers submitted/accepted). 


The single PDF file should be submitted to


Selection Criteria
Workshops will be selected based on which ones the committee expects to be most valuable fo attendees. Our goal is to have a diverse set of interesting and timely workshops that are well run and productive events.




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